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KARD - Cultivators
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Main page - Cultivators

31. Hand weeding hoe "NORKROS", without a handle
32. Hand weeding hoe "NORKROS", with a handle
33. Hand weeding hoe (claws), without a handle
34. Hand weeding hoe (claws), with a handle
35. Folding weeding-hoe, 5-prongs, without a handle
36. Small hand cultivator, with a handle, 80cm long
37. Small hand cultivator, 60cm long
38. Small hand cultivator, 30cm long
39. Small hand cultivator, 25cm long
40. One-prong fork, 60cm long
41. One-prong fork, without a handle
42. One-prong fork, with a handle
99. Weeding hoe, three prongs, flat, without a handle, Ø 28
100. Weeding hoe, three prongs, flat, with a handle, Ø 28
126. Small hand weeding hoe, with a handle, 30cm long

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