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95. Spading fork, 3-prongs, without a handle 156. Spading fork, 3-prongs, with a T shaped handle .
| 114. Potato spading fork, 10-prongs, without a handle 115. Potato spading fork, 10-prongs, with a T handle .
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116. Beetroot spading fork, 6-prongs, without a handle 117. Beetroot spading fork, 6-prongs, with a T handle .
| 118. Stone spading fork, 9-prongs, without a handle 119. Stone spading fork, 9-prongs, with a T handle .
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127. Manure hook, 4-prongs, without a handle 128. Manure hook, 4-prongs, with a handle .
| 96. Spading fork, 4-prongs, without a handle 157. Spading fork, 4-prongs, with a T shaped handle .
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97. Gardening spading fork, without a handle 98. Gardening spading fork, with a T handle 158. Gardening spading fork, with a DY shaped handle .
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